Scott Cathcart

Entrepreneur | Impact Investor | Triathlete

10 Behaviors of Successful Entrepreneurs

Do you have what it takes to be successful as an entrepreneur? If so, how do you know? What is it that sets you apart from everyone else? If you’re one of the many individuals that feels as if you don’t have what it takes, what’s stopping you?

In September of 2014, Sangeeta Bharadwaj Badal, Ph.D, Senior Researcher at Gallup and Gallup Chairman, Jim Clifton published Entrepreneurial Strengthsfinder. Their book is the result of a study  in which Badal interviewed 2,500 entrepreneurs in order to learn what particular choices and actions led to the creation and prosperity of their organizations.

Dr. Badal observed 10 key behaviors that every entrepreneur either used start or cultivate a business. Badal went on to say, “Innate talents seem to make some people better at noticing new business opportunities and more likely to be risk-takers, natural salespeople and adept at cultivating social networks — all traits that drive entrepreneurial success”.

The 10 key behaviors of every successful entrepreneurs are:

  • Business focus: Decisions are observed and anticipated with profit in mind.
  • Confidence: There is an understanding of others and yourself.
  • Creative thinker: Creativity is exhibited by taking a  preexisting idea or product and making it better
  • Delegator: Sharing responsibility and trusting others to follow through is not an issue.
  • Determination: The ability to overcome difficulties and not give up.
  • Independent: The mindset to accomplish whatever is needed to be done to make the business a  success.
  • Knowledge-seeker: Constantly seeking the knowledge that will help your business flourish.
  • Promoter: Being the spokesperson of your business is something you can and are willing to do.
  • Relationship-builder: You are socially aware and possess the ability to build relationships that will help your business grow and survive.
  • Risk-Taker: Managing  high-risk situations comes as a second nature to you.

Keep in mind, these 10 behaviors are not the only factors involved when running a successful business. However, they do account for a substantial portion of entrepreneurial achievement.

To learn more about the Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder, click here.

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