Scott Cathcart

Entrepreneur | Impact Investor | Triathlete

2022’s Entrepreneurship Trends

There’s never a bad time to take the path to entrepreneurship as long as you have the determination to pursue your success. While every first-time entrepreneur experiences challenges and setbacks, you can find success sooner by making yourself aware of the trends that will change entrepreneurship in the coming year. Knowing how technology and changing attitudes will affect the future of entrepreneurship will help you use those trends to your advantage.

Remote Work Will Opportunities Expand

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, remote work had already started to expand and grow in popularity. While lockdowns increased the availability of this option through necessity, this was never a trend that would disappear. As an entrepreneur, there are plenty of tech resources to enable you to run your startup out of your own home. Those same technologies will also allow you to hire remote employees. This eliminates the need to rent office space, pay utilities on a commercial building, or finance other operating expenses typical in starting a brick and mortar business.

Ditching the Hard Sell

Few companies still pursue growth through cold calls and hard sells. Even those that still follow that traditional sales model are starting to see that it’s no longer practical with modern consumers. In the digital marketplace, consumers want more from their brands. They want to see the products in use before they buy them, and they want to know that they matter to their brands. Meeting these expectations requires utilizing marketing campaigns customized for your key demographic groups.

Working Fewer Hours

Instead of working 18 hours a day, you should be looking for technology that will help you get more work done within fewer hours. You should be leaving yourself enough time to eat a healthy meal, get some exercise, and spend time with family or friends. You should do all of this without sacrificing the eight hours of sleep you need each night.

Most people assume they will achieve instant success with their startup only to be disappointed by the number of challenges they face. As long as you accept that immediate success is extremely rare, you will be better prepared for the entrepreneur’s path. In reality, success as an entrepreneur takes time, hard work, and persistence.

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