Scott Cathcart

Entrepreneur | Impact Investor | Triathlete

Trends in Impact Investing

Impact investing is a type of investment strategy where investments are made to improve social and environmental causes. Impact investing has been growing rapidly in popularity recently, with many large organizations joining in the efforts. As is expected of any growing field, impact investing has been experiencing several different trends recently.

Environmental Focus

Impact investing has played a large role in the improvement of environmental conditions. Many investors are currently focused on improving the environmental impacts that people have on the earth. Renewable energy has been a large beneficiary of investments from impact investing, with more investors focused on improving climate change. “Net-zero” carbon emissions are goals that many organizations, communities, and governments have set recently. Overall, many impact investors seek to improve sustainability, ensuring that valuable resources will continue to be around for many years.

Inclusive Technologies

Impact investing has been promoting diversity and inclusivity within the modern financial sector. Many investment companies and financial firms are investing in underserved communities, allowing the businesses in these communities to grow more. Technology is also being extended, through impact investments, out to areas outside of urban environments. With the rise in remote work, more opportunities have also been made available to people connected to the internet.

New Tools

To facilitate impact investing, several new tools have been developed for investors to utilize. Tools are continually being created and developed to improve the simplicity and speed of impact investing for investors.

Investments from Institutions

Investments from large institutions have been growing rapidly in recent years for impact investing opportunities. These investments have had a variety of great effects recently. Many institutions are facing pressure from governments, citizens, and their clients to improve conditions. However, many institutions are also joining the impact investment atmosphere on their efforts.


The rise in impact investing has led to many great improvements in society and the environment. With its primary focus on creating positive changes while providing investors with exceptional financial returns, impact investing has grown in popularity. The many recent trends in impact investing have had very positive effects on the strategy as a whole.

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